Front Panel Menu System
Front Panel Menu System (FPMS) is a 'homegrown' name, it came from the development team. FPMS refers to the screen and the buttons.
The display is a 1.44" 128×128 pixel color TFT LCD display by Waveshare.
Internet status globe
Wireless interface status
Operating Mode
(eth0) Ethernet IP address
Link connection speed
Additional interface IP addresses (mode dependent)
The Operating Mode (in yellow) will show the WLAN Pi model when the device is in classic mode. Otherwise it will show the operating mode (Console, Hotspot, Server, Bridge)
The WLAN Pi hostname is listed at the bottom of the screen.
Where do you think the last 3 characters come from?
Write the answer on your worksheet before clicking the answer tab to view the answer
The xxx
represents the last 3 characters of the eth0 MAC address.
To the left of the display, you will find a 5-way joystick (J)
To the right of the display, you will find 3 action buttons:
Button A cycles through wired network troubleshooting tools:
LLDP neighbor
eth0 IP configuration
Button B is a shortcut to activate Hotspot mode – useful for wall attenuation measurements
Button C allows you to shut down or restart the unit
Explore the menu options and you are welcome to experiment.
System > About
System > Date & Time
System > Summary
System > Reboot
and center click, used to execute the selected menu item.