A wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool, and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework.
In this lab, we'll be exploring the open source Kismet project.
Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool, and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework. It is not a tool set developed by the WLAN Pi dev team, but it does come pre-installed as part of the WLAN Pi software image, as it provides valuable features for Wireless engineers.
First, let's take a look at exactly what Kismet is… and then we can follow up with lab exercises.
To complete this lab, you'll need the following items:
Computing device with a browser (generic tablet, iPad, Windows laptop or Mac)
Note that Kismet is already installed on the WLAN Pi OS, so there is no requirement to install any additional packages.
To use Kismet on the WLAN Pi, there must be IP connectivity between your computing device and the WLAN Pi.
Your computing device will be connected to the lab Wi-Fi network, and your WLAN Pi will be connected to one of the lab PoE switch ports.
Once both devices have a network connection, you can use the IP address displayed on the front panel of your WLAN Pi as the target address for your browser session.
Kismet is a monitoring tool for wireless. Initially supporting only 802.11 Wi-Fi, with the proper hardware, Kismet can now capture Bluetooth advertisements, BTLE, nRF-based wireless mice and keyboards, weather stations, wireless thermometers, switches, smoke detectors, 802.15.4 / Zigbee, ADSB airplane transponders, AMR wireless power, water meters, gas meters, and more.
Kismet operates almost entirely passively, with a few exceptions (such as Bluetooth scanning mode) noted in the documentation for those capture types.
Kismet is not an attack tool (generally) – to test your Wi-Fi security, check out tools like Aircrack-ng (preinstalled for you already, btw!) or the Wi-Fi Pineapple.
Kismet is largely focused on collecting, collating, and sorting wireless data. The logs generated by Kismet can be fed into other tools (the pcap, handshakes, and other data) like hashcat, aircrack, and more.
Kismet is fundamentally different than Wireshark. Kismet primarily focuses on representing devices; access points, clients, bridged wired devices, sensors, Bluetooth entities, and so on, while Wireshark focuses on displaying packet capture traces and enabling you to go deep into specific packet details.
Kismet and Wireshark work best when used together.
Kismet collects packets and logs them to standard formats (pcap and pcapng) or the kismetdb format which can be converted directly to pcap and pcapng, and collects location, changes over time, etc.
Wireshark can open the pcap logs and give extensive, detailed information about specific packets. Each tool is designed for a different job, but operate well together.
Kismet source and more info:
Wi-Fi channels in Kismet define both the basic channel number, and extra channel attributes such as 802.11n 40 MHz channels, 802.11ac 80 MHz and 160 MHz channels, and non-standard half and quarter rate channels at 10 MHz and 5 MHz.
Kismet will auto-detect the supported channels on most Wi-Fi cards. Monitoring on HT40, VHT80, and VHT160 requires support from your card.
Channels can be defined by channel number or frequency.
Basic 20 MHz channel, such as 6
or 153
Basic 20 MHz frequency, such as 2412
20 MHz HT20 channel, such as 6HT20
20 MHz frequency, such as 2412HT20
40 MHz 802.11n with upper secondary channel, such as 6HT40+
40 MHz 802.11n with lower secondary channel, such as 6HT40-
80 MHz 802.11ac channel, such as 116VHT80
160 MHz 802.11ac channel, such as 36VHT160
10 MHz half-channel, a non-standard channel type supported on some Atheros devices. This cannot be automatically detected, you must manually add it to the channel list for a source.
5 MHz quarter-channel, a non-standard channel type supported on some Atheros devices. This cannot be automatically detected, you must manually add it to the channel list for a source.
It is very probably that your data source will be "Linux Wi-Fi" when capturing with Kismet.
The Linux Wi-Fi data source handles capturing from Wi-Fi interfaces using the two most recent Linux standards: The new netlink/mac80211 standard present since approximately 2007, and the legacy ioctl-based IW extensions system present since approximately 2002.
Wi-Fi packet capture is accomplished via “monitor mode”, a special mode where the card is told to report all packets seen, and to report them at the 802.11 link layer instead of emulating an Ethernet device.
The Linux Wi-Fi source will auto-detect supported interfaces by querying the network interface list and checking for wireless configuration APIs. It can be manually specified with type=linuxwifi
In this lab, we'll take a look at how we:
Start the Kismet process
Access the Kismet UI
Use Kismet to scan for wireless networks and clients
Before we can do anything with Kismet on the WLAN Pi, it is necessary to manually start the process.
Using the Web UI, hover over KISMET
in the menu bar.\
From the dropdown, you should be able to see whether Kismet is running or not.\
Select "START"
Once the Kismet process is running, you should see a new option within the dropdown menu.
Select Launch Kismet
We need to log in to Kismet to access its UI. The Kismet service has a discrete credential store, you will need to create a username and password the first time you browse to it. For ease of use, it's not a bad idea (for now) to set your Kismet credentials to be the same as your WLAN Pi credentials:\
Once you've set the credentials, you'll be taken to the main Kismet UI and will see the following panel pop-up as this is your first log in. You can hit "Continue" for now. We do not need to configure any specific settings for this lab. \
It is also possible to start / stop the Kismet service via FPMS
Now that we've got access to Kismet, we'll take a look at how we can use it to gather Wi-Fi network data.
By default, when you start Kismet from FPMS, it is already configured with wlan0
as a data source. It's probably already collecting data too.
If you are using a WLAN Pi with multiple wireless interfaces, you can specify an alternative or additional data sources by following the steps below:
Click on hamburger menu icon (top left)
Select Data Sources
Expand the desired wireless interface
Click on "Enable Source"\
You should see a small scrolling bar chart history of packet activity detected by this source. This indicates that Kismet is scanning Wi-Fi channels and gathering data:\
Close the pop-up window
By default, Kismet will cycle through all the Wi-Fi channels, gathering frames on each channel, from this data it builds a table of access points and wireless clients as it receives 802.11 frames from them.
Note that Kismet now supports the 6 GHz band with an appropriate wireless adapter. Watch out for 6 GHz APs and clients in the Kismet device data.
As it has many channels to hop between, each scan cycle takes several seconds to complete, and only a small snapshot of the activity on each channel is captured. Bear in mind that Kismet provides an overview of both APs and their clients, you can think of Kismet as a Wi-Fi scanner on steroids.
Let's take a look at the data available in the Kismet UI. Later, we'll look at how we can configure the scanning behavior to gather data focused on specific channels or frame types.
Have a look through the Kismet device list and see if you can complete each of the following tasks:
Can you find your Wi-Fi devices in the "Device List"?
What channel is your device connected on?
Click on your Device to view more detail (Tip: look out for the Monitor button – click on it for detailed scanning on that device)
Filter to see only APs (hint: use Search box)
Filter to see only client devices
Check to verify if devices can be seen on all 3 Wi-Fi bands: 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz and 6 GHz
Click on any of the displayed rows to drill down into more detail about that device
Click on the "SSIDs" tab of the device list to see a summary of SSIDs detected. Click on any of the SSIDs to see more detail:
There is no easy way to clear the device list to start over. The quickest way is to go back to the Web UI or FPMS and restart Kismet.
By default, Kismet scans all Wi-Fi channels that are available, gathering frame data about all devices heard. As it's hopping across many channels, it only gathers a few frames (and hence little data) about each channel. To gather more data about a specific channel (or channels) in which you are interested, we can reduce the number of channels that Kismet scans.
Go back to the hamburger selector in the Kismet UI and select "Data Sources"
Expand the "wlan0" interface shown in the "Data Sources" list. You will now see all the channels being scanned by Kismet. Channels being scanned are orange colored. Click on channels to deselect them and limit the channels that Kismet will scan:
Select a subset of channels and close the Data Sources panel. In the devices panel, you should only now see activity on the selected channels.
Although changing scanning options via the Kismet UI is "easy", it is cumbersome when deselecting numerous channels, also repeating this workflow each time Kismet is restarted is inefficient.
The good news is that we can start Kismet from the command line and use parameters that pre-select a data source and channel selection.
Kismet can be launched as a "service" (via Web UI / FPMS) or it can be launched from the command line with "arguments" additional parameters
STOP the Kismet service by navigating back to the WLAN Pi WebUI, hovering over KISMET
and selecting STOP
To initiate Kismet from the command line, head over to the Terminal in Cockpit
type kismet
then press enter:
This will launch Kismet in the "default" configuration state, identical to launching Kismet via Web UI or FPMS.
Kismet will produce many lines of logging output as it starts up. Do not stress about these log messages that scroll up the screen during the start-up process. Once they stop, Kismet is up and running.
To stop the Terminal session instance of Kismet you have initiated, use the keyboard combo "control + c"
Kill the Terminal session instance of Kismet:
Ctrl + C
Let's look at a few command line options to pre-configure Kismet and speed up our config:
Launch Kismet and configure wlan0
as the data source:
Launch Kismet and rename the data source:
Now is an opportune moment to re-visit the Kismet WebUI, if you kept the original tab open, you can refresh it! Or re-launch via the WLAN Pi WebUI menu bar. Navigate to data sources and see if your data source appears with the specified name.
Launch Kismet, capturing on the 2.4 GHz band only:
Launch Kismet, capturing on the 5 GHz band only:
Launch Kismet on the 6 GHz band only:
This is not the complete 6 GHz band – feel free to complete the list for all the channels you would like to scan.
The "\" characters are required in the channel list above because the command is being submitted in a Linux shell.
Going wardriving? Consider installing GPSd
with sudo apt install gpsd
for offline time sync and geotagging in Kismet.
Congratulations, you have completed the Kismet lab!
Refer to the references below for more information. You may even consider creating your own custom configuration file to make things even easier! You may add filters of your own to further customize the frames captured by Kismet.