Wi-Fi 6E Client
Time for some High Efficiency Wi-Fi in the 6 GHz band
In this lab we will connect one of your WLAN Pi Wi-Fi 6E modules to the 6 GHz radio of a Wi-Fi 6E AP.... And... Then we will try to capture the association of your Wi-Fi 6E client (your WLAN Pi Pro) using some of the steps from the Packet Capture lab.
Step 1 - Modify wpa_supplicant.conf
When you want the WLAN Pi to join a Wi-Fi network we need to provide configuration details for the Wi-Fi Module to follow. An empty configuration file already exists!
Modify the file
In the WPA3 section enter the SSID and PSK
Save changes and exit
Step 2 - tmux
In order to proceed with this Wi-Fi association in a slick way, we will make use of the 'tmux' utility
OK, let's get fancy...
Launch tmux
Next we will horizontally split the terminal window
- Press
and hold - Pressb
and hold - Release both keys - Pressshift + "
Now your screen is split into 2x panes\Switch focus between the two panes
Your white insertion character should have jumped to the lower window Up / Down arrow keys will also work
You now have 2x terminal shells available to you, on the same screen
Hop back to the top panel
Step 3 - Wi-Fi Connection Attempt
In your top pane initiate a Wi-Fi connection on interface wlan1
Be certain to specify wlan1
If your association successful you should see output similar to the following:
How to scroll in tmux
then [
then you can use your normal navigation keys to scroll around (eg. Up Arrow or PgDn). Press q to quit scroll mode.
Alternatively you can press Ctrl-b
PgUp to go directly into copy mode and scroll one page up (which is what it sounds like you will want most of the time)
Step 4 - Verify Connection
Confirm you are indeed connected to a 6 GHz radio
Switch focus to the lower panel
View the status of interface wlan1
Step 5 - Packet Capture
Using interface wlan0 start a capture on the channel which you identified wlan1 is connected to the 6 GHz AP
Hop back to the top panel
Disconnect your client from the AP by killing this process
Reconnect your 6 GHz client again, by issuing the command again
Can you find your client's traffic in the packet capture?
Step 6 - 6E Speed
Initiate an internet speedtest from the WLAN Pi with:
Initiate a local segment speedtest to the Ookla Speedtest Server
Step 7 - Closing out of tmux
To detach from tmux, i.e. return to your original terminal session with the WLAN Pi
Although you have 'detatched' from tmux, the session is still alive
You can re-attach to the session
Gracefully shutdown your tmux session with command
Last updated
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