Welcome to the WebUI for the WLAN Pi
Navigation to the link local address http://wlanpi-xxx.local
will bring you to the WLAN Pi landing page. Here you'll find several tabs, we'll reference these later on during the labs.
LibreSpeed - Network Segment speed test
Lightweight speed test implemented in javascript that runs in a web browser
Works on all modern browsers including mobile
Not to be confused with Ookla Speedtest (we have that too, in CLI form)
If you were to perform a LibreSpeed test
What would you 'actually be measuring?
Displays 'profiled clients' results
WLAN Pi network information dashboard
Admin (Cockpit)
Web based graphical interface for managing Linux
Direct link to the Cockpit Web Terminal
Finally, In the lower right hand corner of this page
You will see your WLAN Pi:
System version
Last updated
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