It all started at WLPC in 2016. The goal was to build a portable, ready-to-use device that could function as a network performance testing endpoint using iPerf.
Since then, the project has been embraced by the wireless community and after many contributions, this tiny box has evolved way beyond just a network performance testing endpoint.
Today it is a 'multi-tool' for wireless LAN professionals, it can be used as a remote Wi-Fi scanner, packet capture tool, Wi-Fi signal generator, wireless hotspot, wireless bridge, and more!
The WLAN Pi project is only possible due to the contributions of a team of volunteers who collaborate to progress and improve the WLAN Pi project.
Jerry Olla - Mostly breaks things... he said that, not us 😉
Nick Turner - Case design, branding, UK & EU WLAN Pi store
Jiri Brejcha - FPMS, Server mode, Port Blinker, Hotspot, Chat Bot, CLI tools
Nigel Bowden - FPMS, Profiler, Chat Bot, Hotspot, Wireless Console
Daniel Finimundi – Linux guru, automation, image creation and packaging
Ben Toner - Hardware and firmware development, Bluetooth networking, RF tests
Josh Schmelzle – WebUI, API, Packet Capture, Profiler, Python, Software Packaging and CI/CD, US WLAN Pi store.
Joel Crane - Case design, hardware aspects of UI/UX
Colin Valance - Python, HW Testing, Security, Compatibility
Adrian Grandos - FPMS, Packet Capture, Wi-Fi Scanner, graphic designer, app integration