Cookbook focussed on WLAN Pi M4
Front Panel Menu System
Front Panel Menu System (FPMS) is a 'homegrown' name, it came from the development team. FPMS refers to the screen and the buttons.
1.44" 128x128 pixel colour LCD TFT display
Internet status globe
Wireless interface status
Operating mode
Ethernet IP address
Link connection speed
Additional interface IP addresses (mode dependant)
WLAN Pi hostname - Where did the last 3 characters come from? Here is the correct answer.
To the left of the display you should find a 5-way joystick (J)
To the right of the display you will find 3 action buttons:
Button A cycles between wired network troubleshooting tools:
LLDP neighbour
eth0 IP configuration
Button B is a shortcut to activate Hotspot mode - useful for wall attenuation measurements
Button C allows you to shutdown or restart the unit
Explore the menu options and feel free to experiment.
System > About
System > Date & Time
System > Summary
System > Reboot
and centre-click, used to execute the selected menu item.
Welcome to the WebUI for the WLAN Pi
Navigation to the link local address http://wlanpi-xxx.local
will bring you to the WLAN Pi landing page. Here you'll find several tabs, we'll reference these later on during the labs.
The xxx
represents the last 3 characters of the eth0 MAC address.
Lightweight speed test implemented in Javascript that runs in a web browser
Displays 'profiled clients' results
WLAN Pi network information dashboard
Web based graphical interface for managing Linux
Direct link to the Cockpit Web Terminal
You will see your WLAN Pi:
System version
not really a lab, but you should definitely do these steps!
WLAN Pi does not ship with a default RF regulatory domain. Note the warning message shown on the display.
Since we are in Prague, apply Czech regulatory domain. This unlocks the permitted channels and enforces limits and DFS rules defined by the Czech Telecommunication Office.
Go to Menu > System > RF Domain
Select Set Domain CZ
This can be reconfigured any time you like!
If you haven't updated the WLAN Pi's timezone to Prague, let's do it now:
Select Menu > System > Date & Time > Set Timezone > Europe > Prague
Finally, select Confirm & Reboot
Yeah... you just had to reboot your WLAN Pi twice, sorry about that.
There are several ways to interact with your WLAN Pi:
Display and buttons (FPMS)
We will explore each of these.
There is no power button, the WLAN Pi M4 has built-in PoE.
Connect the Ethernet cable present on your desk
Red LED indicates that the unit has been powered on
Look for the activity LED blinking, this means the OS has been initiated
Then the screen will come to life
When you insert a freshly imaged SD card, the initial boot can take up to 50 seconds.
The USB Type-C port can be used to power the WLAN Pi M4 from a laptop, battery pack or 5V power supply.
Unfortunately this USB Type-C port does not offer OTG data connection.
WLAN Pi / Linux terminal commands and a few concepts thrown in for good measure
You do not need to learn these commands, nor do you need to become a wizard with the command line to make good use your WLAN Pi, but we do want you to become familiar and comfortable with executing commands from the terminal.
Use the following shortcuts to quickly move the cursor around the current line while typing a command.
or Home
: Go to the beginning of the line
or End
: Go to the end of the line
: Move between the beginning of the line and the current position of the cursor. This allows you to press Ctrl+xx
to return to the start of the line, change something, and then press Ctrl+xx
to go back to your original cursor position.
To use this shortcut, hold the Ctrl key and tap the X key twice.
Ctrl+ <-
: Go left (back) one word
Ctrl+ ->
: Go right (forward) one word
/ Esc+ <-
/ Alt+ <-
: Go left (back) one word
/ Esc+ ->
/ Alt+ ->
: Go right (forward) one word
Check the WLAN Pi OS version:
Show me the version of Linux you are running:
What Linux kernel are we using:
View all your interfaces and IP addresses
You'll get a lot of info printed to the terminal. View it page by page with less
Exit by pressing q
View a list of your previously executed commands with:
Re-execute a command from the history, use exclamation mark followed by x
, which represents the desired command list number:
When you enter a command that requires sudo (like reboot
), but you forgot! No need to retype the command. Just do this instead:
Complete commands and file paths by starting to type them out, then using the tab key to auto-complete:
Which becomes:
When there are multiple possibilities, double tapping the tab key will list all the possibilities. Try this to see all the wlanpi custom commands:
Print working directory, ever feel lost as to where you are?
You can quickly:
Convert between channel number <--> centre frequency
List all Wi-Fi channels in a specific band
You can change your password from the terminal (but only if you want to):
This is how you can change your password at a later date.
Useful Linux commands, if you have time / want to go deeper.
wifichannel is a quick reference tool for Wi-Fi channel info lookup, created by .
Web-based graphical interface for Linux
It is a web-based graphical interface for Linux machines. It simplifies management, and allows CLI access to the WLAN Pi without requiring an SSH client.
Go to http://<IP-address-of-your-WLAN-Pi>
and click on ADMIN
If you get a connection failure try using a different browser.\
We do not have an SSL cert in place yet, please continue past the security warning
Login using the default 'first time boot' credentials
username: wlanpi
password: wlanpi
You will be prompted to change your password this is NOT optional. YOU MUST do this to proceed.
The first time you login to Cockpit you will be in limited access mode
. Look to the top-right corner of the WebUI interface. Click on limited access
enter password, to get full access to WLAN Pi
Now please have a poke around, explore what functionality is exposed by Cockpit GUI.
The menu option at the bottom of the left side panel is Terminal
For the duration of the Cookbook this web based terminal is going to be our default method for accessing the WLAN Pi terminal.
Execute command reachability
in the Terminal window within Cockpit.
Does it?
System level updates will be made occasionally that may require re-imaging your microSD card.
If you choose to re-image your SD card with the latest release of WLAN Pi OS, this will come with the latest version of all the default packages. To update packages to their latest versions, you can use CLI command sudo wlanpi-update
. Or you can navigate to the Software Updates section in Cockpit.
If you have not already done so (via FPMS) you can configure / double check the timezone from Cockpit.
Open Overview
and click on System time 'Sep 19, 2022 5:46 PM' - highlighted in green below**.** You can figure out the rest 😉
The beauty of WLAN Pi OS and the new way of distributing WLAN Pi features as Debian packages, is that your WLAN Pi can be easily upgraded without the need for re-imaging the SD card. Having said that, occasional re-imaging might be required, mainly because some code changes need to be applied to the actual low-level system files and services.
You can check for available updates to packages by
After this process finishes, the updates can be installed with:
WLAN Pi OS Linux kernel is now also distributed as a Debian package, and it can be updated using the same apt commands shown in the paragraph above.
You can navigate to Menu > System > Software Update > Check for Updates
. This checks for newly available WLAN Pi only packages (they all start with wlanpi-
prefix), without touching any other Linux packages.
To perform the actual installation of these latest WLAN Pi only packages Menu > System > Software Update > Install Updates
If you just want to install the latest updates, you can simply use the Install Updates
You are strongly encouraged to 'gracefully' shutdown your WLAN Pi!
This can be done via:
FPMS (screen & buttons): Menu > System > Shutdown
CLI command (either)
sudo poweroff
sudo shutdown now
Cockpit web GUI
The 3D printed case is made up from 7x primary components.
Case extrusion
Ethernet end cap
USB Type-C end cap
Support sled (for waveshare display & buttons) aux antenna antenna lead management slots
V-plane antenna riser
Vanity plate
Waveshare shroud
8 1/4" - 20 thread assembly
9 4x threaded slug inserts provide accessory mounting points these can optionally be replaced with magnets
On the rear face of the case:
1x 1/4" - 20 thread
4x M3 threaded mount points
M3 threaded mount points are available 40 and 80 mm apart on the back, top and bottom faces of the case. The 4x mount points on the back of the unit are provided by 3D printed slugs of plastic with an M3 threaded hole in the centre.
< pics of attach mount magnet disc >
The 4x threaded slug inserts may be replaced with Neodymium bar magnets.
Suggested convention is to install magnets with North pole facing upwards, this convention would be used to make any future magnetically attached accessories compatible.
These magnets are optional, they do not come pre-installed. Magnet specs: 25 x 10 x 3 mm N52 Neodymium Magnets
If you are staring at this picture and wondering to yourself, why are the buttons are exposed!
This picture was taken before we settled on a design using flexible filament 3D printed buttons and joystick cap.
Linux / SSH Login
You'll be required to change your password on first login. Please remember your new password.
We use WPDD 5 GHz APx
and WPDD 6 GHz APx
SSIDs in this Deep Dive. Connect your laptop to the least utlised AP. Your laptop should stay conected to this SSID for the whole duration of this session.
5 GHz
6 GHz
OTG port
server mode
wconsole / hotspot
monitor / scanning
Try ping wlanpi-xxx.local
, where xxx are the last 3 characters of your WLAN Pi Ethernet MAC address.
Or ssh wlanpi@wlanpi-xxx.local
Access via mDNS can be a bit hit & miss for Windows users. If having difficulty, use the IP address of the WLAN Pi shown on the front panel instead
http://<ip>:2501 http://wlanpi-<xxx>.local:2501
Cockpit Admin Dashboard
https://<ip>:9090 https://wlanpi-<xxx>.local:9090
Unbox your sparkling, new WLAN Pi
Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4
Gigabit-Ethernet RJ45 (802.3af PoE)
1 x Wi-Fi 6E (2x2:2) MT-7921K module
3 x USB 2.0 Type-A connector
Micro SD 32 GB memory card
1.44 Colour LCD (128 x 128)
Activity indicator LED (green)
Power indicator LED (red)
4-way joystick with centre push 3 shortcut buttons Full-size HDMI port for troubleshooting
Power Supply Options
DC 5V via USB Type-C connector
or PoE 802.3af (via RJ-45 port)
Power LED
Both case ends
Solid LED = device is powered on
Activity LED
Next to Ethernet port
Blinking LED = Heartbeat, OS is initialised
Solid LED = hung